Friday, May 13, 2011

May is National Foster Care Month.

 Across the country, thousands of kids in our state pine away for an adoptive home, a forever family. 
While at first blush the raw numbers can be staggering, some half a million
kids in foster care nationwide, the good news is that with some perserverence and love, you can adopt a foster care child.  
Do you aspire to a greater good?  Are you motivated to make a difference in
the life of a young person?  Can you embrace the cacophony that is daily
life as a mom and/or dad? 
If yes, then we have precious foster care kids right here in the Sunshine
State and throughout the country that need your love, your spirit, your humor, your guidance.
Remember, to the big bad world out there, you may be one person, but to one
person you well may be the world. Think about it! 
Be a foster parent.  Be that role model from whom a foster child may learn
and to whom that foster child may turn.   Open you home and your arms to
these kids, envelop them, be a hero.  After all, heroes do come in all
shapes, all sizes.

Respectfully submitted,
Jeanne T. Tate, Esquire

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